
Click here to download this month’s prayer schedule:
SHA’BAAN 1446 (February 2025)

ONGOING WEEKLY CLASSES TAUGHT BY USTAADH MOOSAA RICHARDSON -in shaa’ Allah- LIVE at the masjid, broadcast live online through our Mixlr Channel, and archived on our Spreaker Channel:

Sunday Quran school for children: Sundays from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm [REGISTER here]

Mondays after ‘Eshaa’ (Winter schedule): New Muslims’ Class, with the imaam of the masjid: Aboo ‘Abdil-Fattaah Salaah Brooks

Tuesdays after ‘Eshaa’ (Winter schedule): Sharh al-‘Aqeedah at-Tahaawiyyah [Ustaadh Moosaa Richardson] [previous class video recordings]

Wednesdays after ‘Eshaa’ (Winter schedule): Quran recitation & memorization [Aboo Leenah al-Leebee]

Thursdays after Maghrib (Winter schedule): Arabic for Beginners, separate classes for men & women [Aboo Muhammad Gibril]

Other more advanced classes are taught by Ustaadh Moosaa in the evenings throughout the week as well: Advanced Arabic & Usool al-Fiqh (enquire at the masjid)